Yang Mao Lin

Interview 9: Yang Mao Lin

5th of May
Yang Mao-lin sculptor quite discutable in articles how and what he does doing. But he is very energetic. He just do, he just decided to be an artist. He is able to focus just on one think. About himself speaks there is something like schizophrenia but there is just a lot of greams and visions which are not possible to catch up. He always wanted to do animation. Sculptured animations could be as a new comeback to the traditional sculpture used in architecture if we are able to accept it.



對於自己所使用大眾文化的icon,他也有一種不同的解釋,對於宗教與其說是信仰更不如說是單純的喜歡,這次的訪談顯得非常朝氣蓬勃而且驚嘆連連,相信會讓讀到整篇訪談的讀者也感到相當驚奇吧! 敬請期待~



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