Amy Cheng

Interview 12 : Interviewed interviewer

3th of July

As a cultural-worker who conducted many interviews with artists all over the world, she was also interested in our project of having interviews with local artists. For her, the interview might be a possible method to map out the contemporary art scene, it's also a way to recollect the pieces of history. In the interview we also talked about the role of curator in different points of view. Being in the curatorial career is actually not so easy for anyone. However, it's still a fascinating job that Amy cannot give up so easily. With the space newly started to run, she also shared the information about up-coming exhibitions. For first part of the project, we think it's a very good temporal ending and are really very to have this interview at this time.

雖然進入了雨季帶著攝影機腳架等等出門變得相當麻煩,但是因為Amy溫暖的迎接讓我們又覺得有了信心可以進行一個不錯的訪談,事實上也進行的相當順利。身為一個在訪談上身經百戰的藝術工作者,她對我們的計劃相當感興趣,這對我們來說也是很大的鼓勵。對她來說身為策展人的可能性有許多面向,其中當然也包含對 當代藝術樣貌的建構、以及對歷史的斷裂進行點點滴滴的重新繪製。我們也談到了策展工作的大不易,但這並沒有讓她輕易放棄策展人的身分,在她新開始營運的空間中,接下來也會陸續迎接更多的展覽。對田、Field、Policko計劃來說,第一階段的訪談將進行到這裡,我們將會把這半年的成果集結成書面資料,將書籍散播到更多地方,在這個階段能夠和Amy進行訪談,對我們來說也是相當重要的事。希望能夠在大家的支持下,將這個計劃越推越遠。

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