Huang Hua Chen
Interview 10: Huang Hua Chen- first lady
7th of May
7th of May
First lady in our project might be called a fresh surprise. She is very young fragile creator with strong resolve. Not only the painter but she uses colors very transparently, light and colorfully. The painting is still in movement almost wants to escape from the painting. It´s not really “sticky”. She does not paint concrete people but very normal ones for to be one of them. She makes something as a window; possibility...depends on if you want to be dragged in. It is always dangerous to make you feel like this. It makes you feel so uncertain but with desire.
訪談計劃已經開始了數個月,第一位正式訪問的女性藝術家,是目前還在攻讀碩士的黃華真,這次的訪談還包含了對藝術家五月份個展的展覽紀錄,當然我們也不可 避免地談到了校園生活。華真的作品常有一種令人目眩神迷的感受,彷彿線條都想要從畫布上浮出來,但在作品中所闡述的各個故事,以及透過作品所能感受到人與 人之間關係的厚度,都讓她的作品更加的迷人。做為不想過度背負歷史包袱的一代,進行訪談的三人皆在二十出頭的年紀情況下,我們也分享了彼此對於未來的想 像,或許這樣的故事又會變成另一個創作主題也不一定?

訪談計劃已經開始了數個月,第一位正式訪問的女性藝術家,是目前還在攻讀碩士的黃華真,這次的訪談還包含了對藝術家五月份個展的展覽紀錄,當然我們也不可 避免地談到了校園生活。華真的作品常有一種令人目眩神迷的感受,彷彿線條都想要從畫布上浮出來,但在作品中所闡述的各個故事,以及透過作品所能感受到人與 人之間關係的厚度,都讓她的作品更加的迷人。做為不想過度背負歷史包袱的一代,進行訪談的三人皆在二十出頭的年紀情況下,我們也分享了彼此對於未來的想 像,或許這樣的故事又會變成另一個創作主題也不一定?

Our team
Who support us
- Yao Jui Chung - Taiwan artist, professor, curator, gallerist
- Lin Hong-John 林宏璋 - Taiwan curator, theoretic, artist, professor
- Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs Taiwan - grant support